
Sunday, June 26, 2011

Underground Rainbow

About a month ago I was curious to see how the carrots were growing in the garden.  I yanked up a few to quickly realize that it would still be awhile before they would be big enough to use.  Today I decided to give it another whirl and I found some pretty nice looking carrots. Some of the smaller ones came from thinning out the rows.  No problem though, they're the true baby carrot and taste great!

I purchased these seeds from Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds.  Some of the names are Atomic Red, Amarillo and Tonda di Paragi. There's even a white variety from Holland that looks a lot like  a parsnip.  I bought several different varieties.  They remind me of tomatoes in that, once you start looking into the heirloom varieties there's a world of carrots to be enjoyed.  The carrot is believed to have originated in Afghanistan or Iran.  It seems to be the consensus that carrots were originally purple or yellow.  The orange version that we know today only emerged a few hundred years ago in the Netherlands.

Another 6 oz towards my goal of 100# of food grown for the year!

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